Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Day I'lI Know The Meaning Behind A Love Song

A topic that's been coming up in some of my conversations with a few friends is the type of people that one's interested in. Some have a criteria or a list that a person needs while others are interested in the tall, medium build, athletic, blue eyes kind of guy. While there's nothing wrong to having a criteria or to know what you're in to, but why limit yourself to only the few people who fit that criteria. I guess it's to narrow it down, but at the same time how do you really know those are the characteristics you want in another person. Sure, we all want a nice, well-mannered, sweet, kind and funny person.. but there's more to it than just that. This is where my second thoughts come in. Is it better to interested in someone similar to you or in someone a bit different? If two people share common interests, say music for example, it builds a common ground between them. At times someone can find another person who likes a certain indie band as them even when that person thought no one else knew them. I guess I'm trying to say is sometimes we look for a person that has the same interests as us, because sometimes we're subconsciously looking for the guy or girl version of ourselves. The thing is though if some people are too similar then it becomes boring because it's as if you know everything about them and how they'll react to things. It becomes stale and dull. While on the other hand, two different people with completely different tastes brings upon this exciting newness kind of rush. You want to get to know the other person more because it's all brand new. But sometimes those differences can make it difficult to compromise and solve problems. I guess when it comes down to it, which either way a person decides to go, you never really know what you're looking for because in the words of Alex Hitchins, "any guy can sweep any girl off her feet". I think the only thing to do is to follow your feelings and fall for the one that makes you weak in the knees or selfish because all you want is their love or feel in a rush or makes you want to speak more than words or go crazy thinking about them lately.. I guess that's when we'll know. Some day.

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