Another month has passed. May. To sum it up, it was by far the most interesting month yet of 2009. It marked the first full month of summer and it started off on a great start. I took three trips this May, probably the most I'll be doing in awhile. Even though only one of them consisted of going on a plane and entering a neighboring country, each trip taught me a lot about myself and life in different ways. The first trip was off to Victoria, BC. The last time I've been there I think I was just around 10 years old. But this time would be different. We all grew up, but still managed to remain childlike in our afternoon endeavors and sight-seeing outings. There was something about Victoria that made it so captivating. It has an old city feel but vibrant at the same time. It was definitely good times all around -- from the mini-butchart gardens to Plan B to the therapy session to the hidden alley, it was definitely a great trip! The last trip of May was down to San Diego, California. It was definitely a trip that wasn't like my typical trips down to that southern sunny state. First of all, I wasn't with anyone from my immediate family and the freedom to do whatever we wanted was quite a luxury. I've never actually stayed in one city for ten days, but there was just so much to see and do that we've never found ourselves bored. It was quite the adventure, waking up every morning asking ourselves "what are we doing today?" really made the possibilities endless. If it's one thing I've learned about life on these trips is that it's all about experience in life or rather experiencing life. I could ramble on about where I went on these trips and the sights I saw, but really you're only getting a glimpse of what I did, how I felt and what I saw. No one could truly grasp everything that happened unless you there with me. It's about first-hand experience, encoutering things through your own life, seeing things with your own eyes and stepping out of your comfort zone. I realized why so many people love to travel or even step out of their own city because it's something different, a thrill and an excitement at the same time. It's almost like being a local in a foreign city, trying to uncover what makes one place so great. It's about experiencing what a place has to offer and finding out why some people call it home. In the near future, I'll be stepping out of my own city and encountering what some call "an opporunity of a lifetime", but I'd like to see as "an experience of a lifetime".
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