Ramblings and thoughts I've had on my mind but just haven't shared with people.
- I refuse to call my dorm my home, cause it's really not.
- For once in my life, I'm starting to realize the importance of holidays. They're not just a day off or time and a half pay, but rather a chance to go home. I cannot wait for Thanksgiving! And I realized, I'll actually get to say "I'll be home for the holidays" this Christmas.
- Wal-Mart never fails in any city. It'll always be an entertaining adventure, most definitely.
- Never underestimate the power of music. It brings people together and can get you through some difficult times in life.
- Even though I love hanging out, sometimes I just need my "me time".
- I love boxed-set dvd's.
- Meeting new people can be tough. It's just hard when you're a tag-a-long, and don't want to be but you want to expand your social network as well.
- You always have to prepared for the spontaneity and unpredictability of the "fab five".
- E-mails make me happy.
- I'm contemplating adding a long distance plan to my phone, but it'll make my bill even more. I guess there's always Skype for now at least.
- I've been told first year is the hardest year and it doesn't get good until third or fourth year when you find your true friends.
- I hate how I call myself a first year, when it's just really my first year in the program but not my first year in post-secondary school. I hate the term "transfer student" and explaining my story.
- It's weird to say that I'm from Vancouver, when I'm really not. But people from small towns don't exactly know where Surrey is.
- I'm not exactly sure if you miss me in your life or if you've just moved on with yours since I'm not there anymore.
- The terms "nice" and "friend" aren't really on good terms with me.
- I wish I had girlfriends like Tibby, Lena, Bridget and Carmen.
- When I saw a blue corolla the other day, I got rather sad. I miss that car and the random adventures/drives we took together.
- Looking back, I'm pretty happy my brothers and dad taught me a thing or two about sports.
- There's a few things in my childhood that I wish I could still do.
- My eating habits have plummeted severely. I gotta fix that somehow, don't want no freshman 15.
- Mixtapes are my current obsession. If you know any good ones, please share!
- Do people ever go to the movies by themselves? It's not like you can talk during the movies anyways when you're with someone.
- I went from taking the bus everyday to driving everywhere. And now, I walk everywhere and sort of don't want to take this thing called public transportation. But I must say, I like the double-decker business. I guess that could always be my incentive.
- I just realized the other day everything I gave up to be here and I guess the only way to justify is that I'm growing up and there must be a reason why everything came to be.
- The destination is written, but the journey is unknown.
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