At the end of my last final, I knew we'd be re-connected once again. I knew wherever the road would take us for the next four months, it'd be amazing. And without a doubt, at the end of it I can safely say you did not disappoint. You allowed me to kick-it with the people who you knew would put a smile on my face and make me happy. You were the one by my side when I got to travel to local spots and even when I got to go down to my favourite state, you were there. You allowed me to explore sights in my home town, because I'd definitely miss them when we'd have to depart ways. You helped me make one of the biggest decisions I'd probably have to make, letting me realize that there's still summers where I'll be home. When times got rough, you'd slip a message to someone who'd cheer me up, helping me distinguish between the reals and the wannabes. You brought sunshine to my cloudy days, making me see in the words of Jay-Z "you'll always be my sunshine". The warmth allowed me to bask in sun dresses, 3 1/2 seamed shorts, high-waisted skirts, bikini tops, tank tops, gladiators, and flip-flops. And most certainly can't forget shades. You brought me to my favourite ice cream joint with my most favourite people, week after week. It was definitely sweet, like a cherry on top of an already goodtime. Listen, we definitely had fun while it lasted without a doubt. But there's this thing called reality and even more so school, who together will show me long tired nights, cramming for exams and the fact that I'll have to be without my close friends and family. I know the trade off doesn't exactly sound right, but we gotta do what we gotta do. You showed me a goodtime, but it's time we have to grow. All good things must come to an end. Summer, just know even though you'll be missing a friend and a lover too, we'll see each other again. Eight and a half months to be exact, we'll be reunited and it'll definitely feel so good.
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